Tuesday, ( October 16th ) we pushed out the 0.2 release of Windmill to the eagerly awaiting world of QA.
This release includes many new features and bug fixes:
- Windmill Unit Tests, for all your future contributors out there to make sure you didn’t break anything!
- Browser launcher support for Safari and Firefox Linux, no more manual proxy configuration.
- Lots of performance and stability improvement, say goodbye to those t-box hangs.
- The assertion explorer tool, now point and click to create your assertions.
- Javascript tests, write tests in Javascript to test deep down in that app’s source.
- Commenting in all of the test files, including JSON.
- Windmill support for testing against localhost
- Fully functional WIndmill Integrated Development Environment in all the browsers.
- Controller additions of many wait and assert functions, get better control of your tests.
- Convenience features including automatically giving you the correct focus when working in the IDE, smarter logic in the DOM Explorer.
- DOM serialization, you can now pause your tests and get the state of your page on command.
- Cross domain, frame and window recording and testing
- And much more…